Welcome to be a part of one of our home groups where we listen to God in his word, speak to him in prayer, eat a meal and share our lives with one another.
As a church we want to encourage discipleship and growth. A very good way of doing this is to meet one2one for fellowship and to read the Bible or a Christian book together.
We pray and endeavor to be a church who is being characterized by a culture of discipleship where we in our daily lives spontaneously help one another to grow in our walk with the Lord.
Because the Christian life is a lifestyle we don’t want to have activities for the sake of activities, but to equip our members as Ephesians 4:12 says, “for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” in which they have time to meet one another and non-Christians to be able to do what God has called them to.
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– Swish: 123 318 89 19
– Bg: 5684-8062