
in Gothenburg International Baptist Church

  • “shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly”

  • Below you can read about our elders.

Dennis Muli

Dennis is married to Miriam and together they have two children. Before moving to Göteborg, Sweden, in 2022, they lived and worked in Nairobi, Kenya. They moved to Sweden to pursue further education and Dennis is now employed by a local manufacturer in Gothenburg.

Daniel Norén

Daniel is married to Hannah and together they have five children. Before Daniel came to Bergsjön in 2011 to help out to plant Gothenburg International Baptist Church he and Hannah was serving in the Middle East and North Africa.
Together they work with OM Sweden in partnership with HeartCry Missionary Society.

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